FS: NC-240D W/Matching Spkr, etc.

Joseph W Lutz joelutz at JUNO.COM
Mon Jun 15 18:03:02 EDT 1998

Couple of items that need to go.  Would consider swapping for Heathkit
        SB-101, SB-644/644[A], HW-101 W/HP-23, or whatever.


National NC-240D W/Matching Speaker - 10 bands: 80, 40, 20 and 10 mtr ham
                        bands, 6 general coverage .49-10mhz.  Appearance
on receiver is
             Good and could be made excellent by repainting front plate
                        right hand of unit has rust area where paint only
was affected].
                       The speaker is Good to Very Good, could possible
clean up to Exec.
             Sold 'As Is' -                        $250.00 -
packing/shipping extra.
MFJ - 931  Artifical Ground - Condition VG-to-EXC w/Manual -      50.00 +
Let me know, and thanks.

73 de Joe  W7LPF/4  [NNN0KUU]
Gordonsville, Va 22942 [Orange Co]
Wanted:   SB-644[A]

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