Old Allied Radio musings
Dexter Francis
Tue Jun 16 19:26:13 EDT 1998
I was born in Chicago in 1953, but my folks moved to the suburbs (Park
Ridge) before I was old enough to ride a bike. My Dad learned
electronics with those same DeVry Technical Institute courses and built
a few Knight Kits - the R-100 Short wave RX - a Mobile CB rig - an 18
watt monoral audio amp and a tube tester. I still recall the hum the
vibrator made in that CB rig.
I never made the trip to Mecca either, except via those big fat
catalogs. Hasn't been the same since they were bought out by Radio
Shack, <sniff>. But the Knight TR-108 I just got (2 meters AM!) kind of
stirs some virtual memories.
Then there was Red Johnson Electronics in Palo Alto, Ca.... but that's
another story.
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