GB> NCL-2000 Amp Tubes?

Dexter Francis cwest at XMISSION.COM
Sat Jun 20 16:09:09 EDT 1998

If the 4D32 was made by Raytheon, my data shhet indicates that the grid
to plate capacitance was 0.27, input was 28.0 and Output was 13.0.  (pf
I assume)  Plate max V was 750, Grid 1 was -200 and Grid 2 was 350.
Plate current was 300 ma, Grid 1 current was 15 ma. and Grid 2 was 35
ma.  50 wats dissipation, 1.5 watts drive, 135 watts output.

Good luck with the project.


*** CWest - P.O. Box 22443 Salt Lake City, Utah 84122 ***
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