6LQ6 Tubes FS

Jay H. Miller jmiller at TELETEAM.NET
Sun Mar 15 14:13:33 EST 1998

1412L CST

I have eight (8) 6LQ6/6JE6C tubes for sale as a lot.

There are four (4) RCAs and four (4) Sylvanias, all in orignal factory
boxes. They appear to be new in the box but I have not tested them.

Since they don't fit in any Collins rigs, you guys that need them should
put them to good use.

Best offer over $200 for the entire lot (plus minimal shipping) by Monday
3/16/98 1700L CST.

      *********** ################### ***********
     Jay H. Miller, KK5IM            Dallas, Texas
  The Pocket Guide to Collins Amateur Radio Equipment
     AMI#846      Collins Collectors Association
            E-Mail: jmiller at teleteam.net
Visit My Home Page: http://www.teleteam.com/~jmiller/
  ***** Proud to be 100% Macintosh since 1984! *****

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