6LQ6 Tubes FS

Jim Strohm jstrohm at TEXAS.NET
Sun Mar 15 22:36:31 EST 1998

I have to remark on this....

"Jay H. Miller" <jmiller at TELETEAM.NET> writes:

>I have eight (8) 6LQ6/6JE6C tubes for sale as a lot.
>   [minimal snippage]
>Best offer over $200.


I compared this price for sweep tubes with what
the same amount of cash would buy in terms of
real transmitting devices -- cheap Soviet 811As,
or cheap MRF454s scraped up from the from Arizona
desert...the extra power per buck for the NEW stuff was
staggering.  Do we really want to keep escalating the
price of NOS tubes?

Of course, this is definitely NOT the forum for
nay-saying the joys of tubes, but c'mon, let's
be realistic (no, not THOSE tubes) about the
prices we ask and pay for tubes.  This is
NOT the audiophile maillist.  Yet.

If I start getting nostalgic for glow-in-the-dark rigs,
I'll put a perforated screen on the top of my solid-state
amp and duct-tape a few ultraviolet fluorescent tubes in there.

Apply SSB, and voila, instant 866A flashing glow!

Since I live in Texas, the extra shack heat
is a pleasure I can forego 11 months out of the year.

hoping we can all remember that it's a hobby
and it's supposed to be fun

Jim Strohm
jstrohm at texas.net

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