6LQ6 Tubes FS
Walter S Delesandri
Mon Mar 16 12:44:04 EST 1998
Had to add to my rant about sweep tube prices/ etc.
I have also been involved in tube/vintage/high-end audio.
I developed an attitude due to this that will be pure
flame bait, but here goes (i'm a masochist)::
If you can't work on your vintage gear (ham/audio/british car/etc.)
yourself, YOU SHOULDN"T BUY IT!!!!!!!
The tube conversions I mentioned should be a piece of cake for
ANY general or above ham. If you are an appliance operator, please
buy appliances. The Japs have plenty for you.
If you are new to boatanchor, and are sincerely trying to learn,
I'm not talking about you !!!
But if you're the typical "swapper", buying from grieving widows (boy
do I like to do that!) and then rabidly trading that MINT KWM-2 for
that MINT - GOD knows what -- Without a clue --- then PLEASE leave
the tube stuff alone. There are enough of us who DO enjoy working
on it and USING it.
I heard a new ADVANCED ham here in town say (on 2M, of course),
He didn't know anything about his radio and never wanted to work on
them himself!!! That statement should be grounds for revocation of
his license.
BTW, as for the "resale" aspect, I had to take a firm look at myself
and my hobby when I had a "collins" friend talk about the "condition"
of the ceramic insulator in the antenna jack -- This has gone too damn
far. (BTW, we now have gold plated, teflon insulated jacks available --
I sincerely believe that ol' ART himself would have one in HIS KWM-2!!
73 and may the flames begin.....
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