4 Sale (3) Collins Receivers

h radioleo at EARTHLINK.NET
Tue Mar 17 00:00:04 EST 1998

4 Sale Collins   1. 75A-1 broken analog display ( no frequency display),
and broken glass $195.00 pick up only, other wise all complete.
2. Collins 75A-2 looks good, and works good all original with case, and
manual $340.00  pick up only.....
3. Collins 75A-3 works and looks great with homebrew crystal calibrator, an
stock 3.1 filter with case ,and manual all original $440.00 pick up only.

If you like any of this stuff give me a call Leo ph/fax (310) 670-6969
Pick up is in Los Angeles, California. I live 3 miles from LAX
International Airport.......73

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