6LQ6 Tubes FS
Brian Carling
Tue Mar 17 09:35:25 EST 1998
Great thoughts Jim. I agree with you!
Ham radio is supposed to be about people helping each other and
sharing. The origin of this tradition has to do with overcoming
adversity in pre-war and post-war times that were the cradle of
precious amateur radio as we have it today.
An alternative is to do what some of us are doing, and just bypass
the rich fatcats who love to pay through the nose for Collins gear,
and go with something really esoteric like Harvey Wells!
I know one guy who LOVES The TBS-50 transmitters and colected 8 of
them. I now have one!
(Sorry guys, no offense intended)
Heath rigs are still a bargain in my opinion.
Collins ownership is getting to be something for those who have their
reward fully in this world!
Getting Collins stuff has nothing to do with pesistence or ingenuity
for most people. It is a snob-value brand now. ten to fifteen years
ago, it was for guys who just wanted to have fun with old gear.
Now it is a measure of how fat your hobby wallet is!
The main difficulty involved is FINANCIAL rather than anything else.
Now let's say you decide to specialize in collecting one or two nice
These are not going to be found at EVERY HAMFEST begging higher and
HIGHER Prioces all the time. They may not be there at ALL!
You will actually have to do some (GASP!) 'WORK' to find them (he he)
The real fun would be found in the hunt rather than the big spending.
Collins radios were sold as a "FINANCIAL INVESTMENT" in
1956. Maybe SOME day they will unfortunately live up to that
On 16 Mar 98 at 11:56, Jim wrote:
> At 09:15 AM 3/16/98 -0800, you wrote:
> >Please gentlemen, don't embarrass yourself!!
> >
> >Bob Peters, a real gentleman, is absolutely right. The tubes DO
> >cost this much!!
> >>>>>>BBBBBBBUUUUUUUUTTTTTTT<<< and it's a big but, I have to
> >put my .02 in here:
> >
> >We are supposed to be hams. The goddamn CBers have caused this
> >with their LEEEENEEEEERS. There were enough sweep tubes produced
> >in the 60s and 70s to last FOREVER in ham rigs, but the
> >illegal CBers (is there another kind?) snapped 'em up and fried 'em.
> Walt makes an excellent point here. Not too long ago, the president of
> our local amateur radio club was asked to handle the estate of a
> recent SK.
> Among his effects was a brand of amplifier that I was unfamiliar with,
> and it turned out to be one of these illegal CB "linears." Upon closer
> inspection, this amplifier used SIX sweep tubes, namely the 6LQ6. Out
> of curiosity we fired it up, and made a few contacts. Got decent signal
> reports, and about 400 watts output.
> I had just gone through the "sticker shock" of trying to replace the
> 6LQ6 final in an immaculate Swan Cygnet 270B that I bought from a
> fellow club member. Prices quoted ranged from $30 to $100! Finally,
> I bought one for $20 from a ham in Washington state.
> Well that, and the outrageous prices that Collins gear is bringing these
> days, caused me to re-evaluate my interest in boatanchor collecting.
> I'll keep the Swan, and my original Drake "4-line" from my early days
> as a ham, but doubt that I'll collect too many more.
> 73 de Jim - AD6CW
> administrator for the boatanchors mailing list (until I get priced out of
> this part of the hobby!)
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*** 73 from Radio AF4K/G3XLQ Gaithersburg, MD USA *
** E-mail to: bry at mnsinc.com *
*** ICQ 6124470 ***
** http://www.mnsinc.com/bry/ *
AM International #1024, TENTEN #13582. GRID FM19. Rigs: Valiant, DX-60/HG-10, FT-840, TM-261A, Harvey Wells Bandmaster, Drake 2
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