FS: ARRL Handboooks & publications

Edward Greeley etgreeley at WORLDNET.ATT.NET
Mon Mar 23 00:54:46 EST 1998

Hey, guy,
I suggest you find out what goes on in the real world before applying
finger to keyboard. In my 65 years in the real world, I have lived in
many areas of this country as well as western Europe. As a book-nut
myself, I can assure you that MANY libraries do SELL their "retired"
books, as well as donated books they do not want.  It is evident that
most public libraries do not enjoy the abundance of funds which would
allow them to dispose of their unwanted books in dumpsters as the
apparently well-endowed libraries in the Lone Star State do, according
to you.  BTW, I am not acquainted with either of the parties to the
transaction about which you chose to vent your spleen.

I would be more than pleased to pay $20.00, or more, for a hard bound
copy of the 1946 ARRL Handbook - anyone out there have one?

73 - Ed Greeley
Mobile, AL

Jim Strohm wrote:

> Oh yeah -- DICK mentions "library markings"  -- what he doesn't mention
> is that when libraries retire books, they do so for FREE -- where's DICK's
> Ham spirit when he offers to sell for $20 each some stuff that he got
> for free -- or possibly, even filched out of a dumpster?  Not to say
> it's bad to pick trash, just that it's not in the spirit of amateur radio
> to pick trash and sell it at $20 a piece.
> Jim Strohm
> jstrohm at texas.net

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