FS "twin BAs"

james lueck luecknik at WORLD-NET.NET
Tue May 5 10:14:30 EDT 1998

Good Morning!
I will never get around to making "one out of two" of these, so will put
them on the block.
1. Tempo-one. White-faced. I have 2 of these.  One receives, after a
fashion---probably needs alignment. Very nice cosmetics. Pwr/Spkr O.K.,
never got any furthur than that on this one.
The other just lights up. I believe you could hear the calib. sig, but
can't recall for sure. Pwr/Spkr O.K. Also very nice cosmetics.
Will take $100 + shipping for the 1st, $75 + for the 2nd. Have original
manual for the 1st, and W7FG for 2nd. Also have spare front panel in
good condx.
2. Have 2 each SBE-34s in "as is" condition. One lights up and receives.
The other just lights up. I bought the 2nd one to get the S-meter. The
new meter is good, but still inop. Panels good, cases a mess paint-wise.
Have the W7FG Service manual. One has the opt. calibrator. Sell them as
a pair for $175 + shipping.
3. 2 each Elmac PMR-6As. One works great, panel exc., case could use
repaint. The other needs a new on/off switch, and has one incorrect
knob. Burn hole in bottom of plastic panel. Case needs
sanding/repainting. Works good. Have one homebrew power supply + a
schematic. This pair for $110 + shipping from San Antonio, 78227.
Thanks. James W5LWU

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