BA Manual FTP Site to be Taken Down

Tom Norris badger at TELALINK.NET
Wed May 20 04:40:58 EDT 1998

Due to hacker attacks the past few days I am going to have to take the FTP
site down
until such a time that I can find myself a realtively secure system
seperate from my
desktop computer on which to store it.

I have been coming in and finding my computer locked up or crashed, and
that whoever it is has "hacked root" and done things like delete my
directory and other relatively important stuff while leaving me anonymous
email saying
to effect :"ha ha look what I can do." The bozo deleted the FTP log at each
to cover his trail.

Luckily I back up daily.

I will continue to work on the PDF manuals for the 390A and family as well
as other
military BA's and will let folks know when they have been completed an when
will be available for sale ( not much money I assure you ).

I seriously doubt it was any of the folks on this list that did such a
thing, and do not
blame anyone who is reading this message for doing this.

Figured this would happen sooner or later, just didnt figure this soon.


keeper of the former PDF BA manual FTP site @

( hope to build a linux machine hidden behind a firewall in the next month
or three
JUST for the site, so don't despair.)

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