GB> Vintage FD

Roderick M. Fitz-Randolph w5hvv at AENEAS.NET
Wed May 20 12:06:26 EDT 1998

>> Rod and  others,
>> From what I read in Bob's QSP, anything that glows is legal.
>> The weekend on June 13-14 looks like it. We need to figure out when most ops
>> can make it on the air. Saturday PM is best for me.
>> Anyone that can get a Hartley running in a FD situation is one FB op!
>> This is starting to look good.
>> Conard
>Does anyone have the exact specs for the FD affair from Electric Radio?
>One of the things I am not sure of is what vintage is allowed.  If my
>late 30's stuff is OK, then I will use that as a practice run for the
>real FD, two weeks later.  I will be running OT gear there, by hook
>or by crook, or grunt and hernia, with several of our BA/GB crewe on
It would appear that 29.000 to 29.100 during the day on either Saturday or
Sunday would be an awfully good place for the AM stations to "have at it"!
.... or is this to be primarily a low frequency event?  Maybe both?  10
meters is a natural for AM, I would think.

I may be running both AM and CW... not sure yet.  Gotta check out my "New"
DX-60B/HG-10B and NC-57 & make sure they are running properly.  Have ordered
a new set of tubes for the NC-57.

Rod, N5HV
w5hvv at

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