FS HQ-110C Hallic. Spkr - AND - WTB Clegg 99er

Jerry Seligman w7bun at WA.NET
Sun May 24 16:56:07 EDT 1998

I'm listing these for relectorless hams. Please call them, not me!

FOR SALE Hammarlund HQ-110C ham-band rcvr - cosmetically and
electrically          in excellent condition except 80-meter sensitivity
is slightly           low - $100
FOR SALE Hallicrafters R-46B spkr - very nice condition - $50
Call: Jerry, AC7Z, Yakima, Washington - 509-453-8859

WANT TO BUY Clegg 99er 6-meter AM xcvr - Call: Bob, K7THW,
Everett,                  Washington - 425-353-3970

Jerry W7BUN/N7PP

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