The most unusual 'anchor that's ever followed me home
John M Iverson
jackiv at JUNO.COM
Wed May 27 19:03:25 EDT 1998
Sir, I must correct you. A three phase 240 volt service is very, very
common in the USA, or North America . I belive that you intended to say
that in residential areas the four wire 120/208 is common. But if you
wish to look at the average machine shop using three phase power you will
find either 240 3 wire or in more modern areas, 277/480, 4 wire. We can
go on in this vein for some time and describe the various types of
transformation to produce this, but this is not a true boatachor subject.
sorry for the excessive band width. I will take my podium and v a n i sh
Jack Iverson K0EWU jackiv at
On Wed, 27 May 1998 12:51:23 -0400 Joe Buch <joseph.buch at DOL.NET> writes:
>At 05:43 5/27/98 -1000, you wrote:
>>Yesterday, a Federal Signal Corp. "air-raid" siren somehow ended
>>up in my garage - all 400 pounds of it. Model SD-10, 10 hp 240
>>VAC single phase motor driving an aluminum rotor.
>>The plate also says "F.L. Amps 54." (What is "F.L."?)
>My guess is that the motor is rated to draw 54 Amps at "Full Load".
>>One question - how do I apply 3-phase 240vac to a single-phase
>There is no such thing as 240VAC 3 phase in standard USA electrical
>systems. If you only have 3 phase power available, connect the motor
>the hot legs of two phases. This will get you 208VAC. Good enough for
>government work, but put an equivalent load on the unused phase to
>large neutral currents.
>The motor was intended to run on single phase power like that you
>have coming into your house. For residential service you have a
>transformer belonging to the power company with a center-tapped
>The secondary is rated at 240 VAC with 120 VAC on each side of the
>tap that is normally grounded at the pole and again at the service
>entrance. If you have this kind of service, connect the motor across
>two hot legs of the feeder.
>Make sure you have a 100 Amp service properly fused or do not try this
>home. You will really be a hit in your neighborhood at 3 AM.
> _____
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> {) o o (}
> _____oOO_(.)_OOo______
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>always keep one finger on the escape key| |_| @ @ @ @ @ |_| |
>~*-.,_,.-*~'^'~*-.,_,.-*~'^'~*-.,_,.-*~'| @ _____ @ |
>Joe Buch | @ @ | | @ |
>Amateur Radio N2JB | |_____| |
>joseph.buch at | @ @ /-\ @ /-\ |
>-*~'^'~*-.,_,.-*~'^'~*-.,_,.-*~'^'~*-.,_| | | | ||
>There are two rules for ultimate success| @ \__/Oooo\__/|
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