xtals needed for HB RX!

Bill Meara wmeara at EROLS.COM
Fri May 29 10:57:53 EDT 1998

I'm about half-way through my Mighty Midget RX project and am starting to
get concerned about the crystals for the half lattice IF filter.

I need two rocks in the 460-465 khz range.  FT-243 holders would be the
best, but other casings would probably also work.  455 khz rocks in FT-243
holders would be ideal.

Lew McCoy used surplus crystals in his original version of this RX.  He
mentions Channels 327,  326 and 45.

Anyone out there have any crystals that could make this HB radio play?

73 de N2CQR
Bill Meara, Falls Church, Virginia
wmeara at erols.com     G-QRP #7965

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