WTD: TRC-10 gear

Sun Nov 8 20:00:42 EST 1998

        Old military gear affectionados:
        Been hunting for the receiver-transmitter part of the TRC-10 radio set.
With or without the "legs".  I am not interested in the hand crank generator.
Would like the R/T unit with the crystal box if it's still there inside.
        Not extremely interested in perfect cosmetics, as long as all the knobs
are there and nothing is missing, and it hasn't been badly butchered.
        Is there any of these out there?

E. V. Sandy Blaize, W5TVW
"Boat Anchors collected, restored, repaired, traded and used!"
417 Ridgewood Drive
Metairie, LA., 70001

***Looking for a Hallicrafters SR-75, SR-34******
****** Hallicrafters HT-44 Transmitter  ***********
*** Also surplus TRC-10 Transmitter/Receiver ******

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