Viking II Modulation
Brian Carling
Sun Nov 8 19:44:08 EST 1998
(Holds breath, and hopes he's on-topic.)
I have a Valiant I and would like to look at my transmitted signal on
a scope. DOes anyone know if a Yaesu YO-100 will work?
I know that some of those scopes that Heath, Yaesu etc. have
produced, are designed to work only on some particular i.f. frequency
for receiving monitoring, but I want to monitor the transmitted
I am thinking also of the HO-10, SB-614 etc.
Can anyone suggest a compact scope of that genre?
On 7 Nov 98 at 22:45, DavidC wrote:
> I have a Multi-Elmac AF-68 (80-6m AM/CW). Any suggestions as to the
> best way to acquire signal for a scope? (I have a small portable
> TTM Electronics Corporation Model 303 dual-trace scope, if that
> matters.)
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