BoatAnchor Manual Archive Update

Kenneth D. Grimm, K4XL grimm at LYNCHBURG.NET
Mon Nov 23 09:54:13 EST 1998

For the Collins folks, the Service Bulletins 1-18 and Service
Information Letters 1 and 2 for the KWM-380 are being scanned and
uploaded to the BoatAnchor Manual Archive.  I believe that this is the
complete set.  If there is other material in these two series, I would
appreciate it if you would scan and upload it to the BAMA ftp site or
contact me via EMail to arrange to have it sanned.

In the Hallicrafters section, Bruce Stock, AB7YD,  has contributed two
manuals:  the HT-32mk1 and the SX-101mk1.

Finally, Norm Hall has come up with some very interesting material on
the Millen Variarm ECO, the Meissner FMX Phase Modulator for the Signal
Shifter and the Gonset Super 12 Converter.

Thanks to Bruce and Norm and all the rest of you who support the BAMA

NEEDED:  Currently requested manuals are the Johnson Viking II,
Hallicrafters S-19, SX-43, SX-117, SX-146, HT-44, HT-46 and the National
NC-33.  Also requested
are manuals for the MultiElmac PMR7, PMR8 and PSR117.  If you can help
with scans of manuals for these pieces of equipment, please upload
them.  Tnx.

Ken K4XL
grimm at
BoatAnchor Manual Archive -

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