Don Brooks w5orw at FLASH.NET
Thu Oct 1 07:28:35 EDT 1998

Hallicrafters HT-41 linear,  works well.  Large 110V ceramic changeover
relay installed under chassis with
minus 24v  for control relay and cutoff during receive.  Too heavy to ship.
 Can bring to Belton hamfest
if  contacted by noon Friday.  $350    Also has lo-pass filter attached
thru existing holes.

Johnson Ranger in excellent condition.  Shows finger wear around a couple
of knobs and has had a sheet metal screw in two of the perf holes in top.
Works goos since replacing filter in bias supply.    $250

Gonset G-66 rec.  Works fair.  Glass cracked.  metal cas has some dings.

Kenwood TS-520S,  with D-104.  Good condition  $300

2 Shortwave portable radios.  Silvertone model 7226  "Wayfarer",  8 bands
155Khz to 18.4 Khz (not continuous) 5 tubes.  Both operat, both have had
new selenium rectifiers installed.  The have turret
tuners for all except BC band.  one complete  $60  other missing BC coil

All plus shipping.  I can deliver to Belton hamfest.  If interested contact
direct by e-mail or phone.
Thanks,  Don,  W5ORW,  903-729-6367
Don  Brooks , Palestine, Tx, 75801
Radio  W5ORW since June '48
Milliwatts to Megawatts

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