Spirit of Radio Lives on the Net

Keith Rowland k4kgw at MINDSPRING.COM
Thu Oct 1 19:50:55 EDT 1998

I know, Dave.  The name for this phenomenon escapes me, too, at the
moment, but I am aware of it, of course.  Actually, my message was more
tongue-in cheek than anything else, but I am concerned with the number
of such words that are accumulating in the language, because it does
make it very difficult for someone whose first language is not related
to English.

In any case, the language will go where it will, regardless of what we
do here today...!!



David L. Stinson wrote:

> Not at all, Keith.
> English is decorated with several words spelled
> identically but with differing meanings and
> pronunciations.  The name of such a word
> escapes me at the moment.  I can live with
> a new one if it helps preserve radio history,
> even to a small degree.
> Kind Regards,
> Dave Stinson AB5S
> arc5 at ix.netcom.com

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