Mysterious SWR/RF Mod meter

Richard E. Robinson rerobins at EMAIL.UNCC.EDU
Mon Oct 5 12:39:15 EDT 1998

I picked up an old SWR/RF/MOD meter at the Rock Hill hamfest that I'd like
to identify.

It has no manufacturer or model number on it, only a logo of an atom with 3
electron shells around it.  I can't place the logo, even though I've seen
it before. It has a 2 toned bluish-grey and black front panel, with a Texas
Instruments meter in the center and a 1/4" phone plug directly beneath it.
To the left of the meter is the SWR sensitivity control, and to the right
is a 4 position switch.  On the right side are 2 pots evidently for
calibrating it as a modulation meter.

Anyone have any idea what I've got and what it might be worth?


Rick kf4ar

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