Need info/schematic KY-65/ARA-26 Keyer

Jim Strohm jstrohm at TEXAS.NET
Wed Oct 7 00:25:33 EDT 1998

Like the title says.

At the last swapfest, I picked up (literally off the tarmac)
a KY-65/ARA-26 Keyer, which is a Cold War-era mechanical keyer
that operates by rotating a plastic disk to actuate a microswitch
that keys what I believe to have been an early IFF transponder.
The plastic disk has little fingers that you break out to form
your dot and dash pattern.  A cool kludge.

I need a pinout or schematic for the interconnections for
this nice piece of history.  I'll pay reasonable copying
and mailing costs.

This unit is complete, unmodified, and has apparently never been used.
Since my application (based on any help I can obtain here) would involve
removing the connectors from the back, I would entertain a serious
offer to donate, or a serious buy offer.  I'd as soon not butcher it and
not get to use it, as I would chop on it a little to get a functional
piece that will see daily station use.

Groups like the Confederate Air Force or a museum get high priority;
individuals asking me to send it to them on my nickel get low priority.

Thanks in advance


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