How Noisy are Solid-State DC-DC Vibrators

Don Buska d.buska at AAIATE.COM
Fri Oct 16 08:21:48 EDT 1998

I want to start using my Gonset Superceiver in the car, but one of the
things that has always bothered me is how loud the squeal is from the old
mechanical DC-DC vibrator in the power supply/IF/Audio unit.  I see in
the latest AES catalog that they sell the solid-state replacement
vibrators.  Does anyone have experience with these?  I currently have a
Gonset 3-30 converter in the car that I run off a solid-state DC-DC
converter.  I have this converter in the engine compartment, but I can
still hear the high pitched switching audio inside the car.  So I'm
already aware that even the solid-state switchers produce that wonderful
high frequency audio.

So I'm just wondering how much less audio noise does a solid-state
vibrator replacement have over the old mechanical jobs?  Even cutting it
down in half would be a step in the right direction.

Or maybe I should just turn up my stereo more often and work on
destorying the high frequency response of my ears!! ;)


Don N9OO

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