FS:Magazines from '60s and '70s

John E. Vercellino jvercellino at SPRYNET.COM
Fri Oct 16 09:16:16 EDT 1998

Thrill to the golden days of yesteryear with this mix of magazines from the '60s
and '70s.  $7.00 shipped via Priority Mail in the U.S..

1971 Electronics Experimenter Handbook - 20 projects! (Microwaves for the
Beginner, Portable Pulse Generator, Make your own Ion Chamber, "No Fooling"
Fence Alarm)

Oct 1960 Electronics Illustrated (How to Read Schematic Diagrams, DX from the
Real "Treasure Island", What You Can Do About TVI, Build a Reaction Time Tester
(with a 'magic eye' tube!)

Aug 1963 Popular Electronics (Build a Better BFO, Plug In Crystal Switch, Radio
Marathon Broadcasts Truth to Cuba)

Mar 1972 Popular Electronics (A Simple SW Converter, Inexpensive Wheatstone
Bridge, What Do Hams Do?, Infrared Intrusion Alarm)

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