FS/FT: "Extra" tubes

Fri Oct 23 13:32:24 EDT 1998

  Hello all,

        I am in the process of taking inventory of my tube stock aquired
over the
years.  I have quite a few items that I haven't "boatanchor" gear they are for!
My "miniature tube" inventory is now completed, but octal/etc. receiving tubes
and large transmitting tubes are yet to be done.

        If you have some need and possibly some tube trading material, let
me know what you need.  I'd *rather* trade than just sell outright.  Let me
know your
requirements, and I 'll send you a "want list".

        Eventually, I'll have a complete list of what I have for trade/sale,
in the next week or so.


E. V. Sandy Blaize, W5TVW
"Boat Anchors collected, restored, repaired, traded and used!"
417 Ridgewood Drive
Metairie, LA., 70001

***Looking for a Hallicrafters SR-75, SR-34******
*** Also surplus TRC-10 Transmitter/Receiver ******

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