National Part Still Needed

Dave Hollander davidh at GETNET.COM
Sun Oct 25 15:13:31 EST 1998

I am still looking for the little red diamond shaped cloisonne National
emblem that is used on the NC-200 and NC2-40D. It has the ketters NC in
the diamond. My NC-200 has this and it also has the words "Silver
Anniversary" on it. Would prefer one with Silver Anniversary but would
settle for the same one without, Dimensions are approximately 1.25"
across by 0.625 from top to bottom.

Anybody have one of these or an extra off of an old junker NC-200 or

Please e-mail me directly.


Dave N7RK


Dave  N7RK -  Webmaster CADXA
Phoenix, Arizona         *DXCC Honor Roll*    *WAZ#23 - 75 Meter SSB*

                 ex-N7RK/ZB2, VK2ERK, ZM0AJN, WB6NRK, WN6IWX

Boatanchor Collector Extraordinaire preferring Hallicrafters, National
and what ever else looks interesting!

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