FS or T

Gary Harmon gharmon at IDWORLD.NET
Tue Oct 27 20:01:53 EST 1998

1.  RS Scanner # PRO-58, 30-512 Mhz with docs and wall wart - $40

2.  Cush Craft 220 Mhz Ringo Ranger - $20

3.  RCA #MCA 19AA11C commercial 2 way radio modified and set for 52.525.
Cables, control head, mike, no docs - $25

4.  Heathkit QF-1 Q-multiplier w/docs - $20

5.  Heathkit AM-2 SWR Meter w/docs - $20

6.  Accurate Instruments 153 Signal generator and Signal Tracer, no docs -

All plus shipping.  Interesting trades considered but not necessarily


Gary H. Harmon, Jr. - K5JWK
6302 Robin Forest
San Antonio, TX  78239
(210) 657-1549
gharmon at idworld.net

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