Running Time Meters

Frederick E Holnagel w7prv1 at JUNO.COM
Tue Sep 1 17:34:26 EDT 1998


1. Used but not at all abused running time meter.  G.E. mounts in 2 3/4"
hole. Round face with three holes, glareless glass face.  12VAC (Use
small filament xfrmr).  5 digits turned to all zeros.  No tenths. Panel
marked "U.S.N. Type CG22286"  Has G.E. Markings and 'Time Meter" and
"Hours" Face excellant.       $25 shipped.

2. New,  Cramer . Mounts behind 2" hole in panel. 115VAC. Has large 1/4"
numbers. 5 digits one of which is tenths. Meter face has Cramer  logo and
1/10 marked at rightmost digit. Resettable from face of meter with push
button.$22 shipped.

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