A better keyboard -- not just Spell Checkers and posts.

chouse couryhouse at AZONLINE.COM
Thu Sep 3 08:40:45 EDT 1998

My wife looked at me as though I was strange when I hooked up this old ps-2 keyboard
to the  new system...yea the old clicker is the best!

ed sharpe

Barry Anderson wrote:

> At 06:41 AM 9/3/98 -0700, you wrote:
> >Even good spellers and typists have difficulty with the mushy, cheapo
> >keyboards furnished with modern computers, even the expensive ones. If you
> >want a good keyboard, go to your local computer surplus shop and buy an
> >older, genuine IBM keyboard. There is nothing on the market today that can
> >match it! If you can't find one and want one let me know. My surplus dealer
> >has a stack of them and I'll send you one for $15 plus shipping (weigh 6lbs
> >-- much heavier than the cheapos). Don't buy a new IBM keyboard, they are
> >now cheapos too. Check it out you'll do yourself a favor. Immediately your
> >fingers will find the keys just where they expect them to be and with a
> >nice firm and responsive touch.
> >
> >     -- Wayne G.
> >        ASA Project; PO Box 553; Chehalis, WA 98532
> >        wwg at myhome.net
> >
> Wayne ...
>         No doubt about it. I have an IBM keyboard here, at home and I can type up
> to 10  WPM faster in it than the newer keyboards. I have 3 more in my
> closet ... just in case ...
> 73,
> Barry Anderson K3SUI
> Frederick, MD
> banderso at eni.net
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