Fire Extinguisher for BA shack

Don Buska d.buska at AAIATE.COM
Thu Sep 3 08:35:15 EDT 1998

On Thu, 3 Sep 1998 04:31:35 -0500, Nolan Lee wrote:

>What about Halon?

Nolan,  Halon extinguishers are great (very small physical size as well),
but I think they are illegal now.  I bought one for the kitchen about 10
years ago and when I tried to find more for the cars and radio room I
couldn't find them anymore.

We used to use Halon in our test and computer rooms at work and I know
they won't allow them anymore.  I guess it destroys the ozone.


Don N9OO

P.S.  Halon would have been great with electronic equipment as it only
broke up the O2 air molecules.  You could still breath, but you'd sound
like Donald Duck when you talked. ;)

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