Strange Tubes Question

Wallace Gibbons rockwall at TCSOURCEONE.COM
Wed Sep 9 23:58:08 EDT 1998

Hi everyone,

The good tube fairy left a box of tubes on my chair at work. Still don't
know who. BUT I owe em. Four VT-4C (or 211), one a Taylor and the rest
RCA. Now I have spares for my tesla coil. A slew of ARC-5 receiver
tubes. Enough to populate 5 or 6 receivers.

And the following strange ones. Wonder if anyone knows what they are?

JAN 38111A (looks like a VT-4C).
RCA "COMMAND" 5814, labeled on the glass this way, too. Looks like a
US NAVY CRC 876, these are a ballast I suspect. A Big One. Has a
threaded base a size larger than a regular lamp bulb. What was it used

Any clues appreciated. The collection is growing!!

Wally Gibbons
Rockwall at

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