TV-7D tube tester a good one??

Dexter Francis cwest at XMISSION.COM
Thu Sep 10 01:51:50 EDT 1998

Greetings all -

I have a Hickock 752B, a TU-7, a Mercury and a Weston 685.

The Hickock gets the most use, has the biggest most easy to read meter
(transocnductance) and is the easiest to make up new settings for, since
the knobs are labeled with their function (Filament/Grid/screen/ Plate)
It was easily adapted to adding sockets for compactrons.  (I've added
two nine pin sockets and a pair of posts for supplying externally
generated filament voltage at higher current than the internal supply
can provide.) The addition of a meter to show applied filament, grid and
plate voltage would make it a terrific all around performer.

The TV-7 is most highly suited for military tube types [...wonder why?
;-)] and is very well built. The meter is small
and does not read transconductance - it's more of a go/no-go guage.
It's switch settings are not as easily translated to
other types as they are somewhat cryptic.  It has the best listing for
testing military tube types.

The Weston is for fast go/no-go of older 4,5,6 and seven pin types. Very

It depends on your needs and pocket book.  If you are into older
civilian gear, the Hickock gets my vote.
Military types - go for a TV-7.

Newer gear like 60's and 70's Ham rigs and consumer audio, I'd look for
a Sencore or Hickock with the novar and compactron sockets already on
them and the ability to measure and display transconductance directly.


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