Radio Bliography: Thanks!

Will White wcw at ASU.USWEST.NET
Thu Sep 10 05:16:51 EDT 1998

A note of thanks for all the messages I have received from so many!  I
am truly overwhelmed by the response; to date, in about a week, I have
37 replies, every one valuable and an interesting lead. Sorry if I
haven't replied to thank everyone individually, but be assured as I make
headway on this project, I will keep the lists and groups "posted." I
should be ready to put up a working bibliography page on the web by late
October. I wish it could be sooner, but teaching and other research
duties are more time sensitive, alas. And, keep them coming, please!

If you missed my first two queries, I am soliciting advice, ideas,
leads, etal in a project to compile a research bibliography of novels,
short stories, poems, stage plays, radio plays,  and various and sundry
other creative texts, that deal in a large way with two-way long-range
radio communications, amateur, military, maritime, commercial,
clandestine. All leads and suggestions are and will be gratefully
accepted. Hey, I even dusted off my nearly complete set of Hardy Boys
books, the early 70's edition. Still searching for the box that has the
book about the "ghost freighter," from which emanate strange disembodied
maydays. Ah, the thrill of the hunt! Thanks again everyone!
Will White, KD7BFX

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