A list of BA stuff from a silent key - please read

Lenny-t lenny-t at WORLDNET.ATT.NET
Tue Apr 6 23:02:44 EDT 1999

OK folks, I think I will probably be drummed out of the corps for doing
this: I volunteered to help the widow of a recent silent key dispose of
her husbands radio equipment.  She and her family did not know what to
do, and her son-in-law called me for advice. I helped him inventory what
was in the house. The best thing is a Heath SB-100 with power supply.
There are a lot of transmitting tubes (some 813s, 4-65As) and books. To
get the best price I put them up on eBay. Now before you start swearing
and hollering, I thought long and hard about this and decided this was
the best thing for her. Every penny from these auction items will go to
her. I am absorbing the cost of the eBay commissions. I have no
interest, and have not taken, any of the items - my hope is that someone
will do the same for my wife if she is ever in the same position. If you
wish, please take a look at:


My apologies if anyone take umbrage at an eBay message - but I thought
that under the circumstances it might be appropriate.

---Lenny (ex-W1MEL)

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