Help identify this regen receiver
Dave Ellison
zommbee at IX.NETCOM.COM
Mon Apr 12 01:12:18 EDT 1999
Hello All,
I have just come across an old regen chassis, saved from the
scrap heap (Thanks Joe!). At first glance, I thought it was just
a little homebrew job. But on closer examination, I think it may
be either a kit, or one of the 'low-grade' commercial rigs of the
era. It's mostly all there mechanically, but missing tubes and any telltale
markings of what it is. The capacitors on the bottom say 'Pilot',
and the chassis frame is made with bakelite supports. All the
holes are 'home drilled' but the panels seem very pre-made
in that the edges are very clean. Is this perhaps a Pilot regen
If there are any oldtimers out there, or collectors with knowlege of
early regens, please go to this URL and look at the pictures of
my little receiver and maybe I can come up with info needed to
restore it. Here is the URL with the photos:
Even if you don't know it, I would like to still find a replacement
vernier to match the good one. There is a closeup at that address
to see the design.
Thanks to all. Maybe I'll get lucky... :-)
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