FS: Nice Metal IRC resistor Cabinet

Michael Crestohl mc at SOVER.NET
Sun Aug 1 05:04:11 EDT 1999

Here's another goodie:

I have two extra IRC metal resisitor storage cabinets.  It has 4 drawers
each with 7 compartments.  Drawers are labelled with resistor values.  They
came from al old TV repair shop in St Albans VT.  I have two on my bench
that are filled and so I really don't need these.  There are some resistors
inside which are included but I am selling them only for the cabinets.

Price is $15.00 plus shipping.  If interested please reply by
e-mail.  Please indicate if you want one or both.  In case of  multiple
replies the buyer(s) will be selected by random draw.

My wife thanks you for helping me clear out some of this stuff.


Michael Crestohl
mv at sover.net

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