Need battery info on B&K Model 120 VOM

Rob Dunn dunnr at IX.NETCOM.COM
Sun Aug 1 15:13:38 EDT 1999

Hi All,

Part of the stuff I found last week at a yard sale included a couple of old
but good quality analog multimeters (VOM's if you please).  I got the
Simpson 260-6P up just fine, just needed a thorough cleaning, batteries, a
knob, and some epoxy for a case crack and it works great.  I also picked up
a B&K Model 120 "Laboratory Volt-Ohm-Meter" that is in great condition but
needs batteries.

One of the batteries is clearly a D cell but the other is unknown.  The
unknown battery has a connection on each end like a D cell but is much
smaller and appears to be rectangular. Estimated dimensions are 1 5/8" long
by approx. 1" wide by 5/8" high.  Anybody know what the battery is that goes
into this meter?  It seems to me that the Triplett 630 used an odd high
voltage battery for the high ohms range maybe this B&K Model 120 does too.
I don't have so much as a schematic for this meter so I am in the dark.
Still, it is a good quality meter along the lines of the Simpson 260 or the
Triplett 630 so I would like to put it back into service.

Thanks in advance for all the help.


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