As the world turns...

Nolan Lee nlee at GS.VERIO.NET
Tue Aug 3 12:00:26 EDT 1999

At 10:16 AM 8/3/99 -0400, you wrote:

>**YES YOU CAN!  Get Your Local Channels, Too!**
>[list of local channels] Get Free with purchase of Off-Air Antenna
>Even though your cable company wants you to think you can't.

All I watch is FREE TV and very, very little of that. Less than four
hours a week, I'd guess. The nation would be a lot better off if all
of the talking heads were rounded up and hung, and the TV stations
dynamited. Television is nothing but a tool used by the liberals to
further their agenda, period. One day, a great awakening will take
place in this Republic, and result in a "period of justice" where
the streets will be littered with the headless bodies of socialists.

On a side note, I'm looking for a manual, a photocopy would be fine,
for a piece of WWII vintage test gear that I picked up fairly recently.
It's an I-181-B military test set. I'm guessing that it was telephone
or "relay" related.

thanks in advance,

Treasonous government officials should have their bronzed,
severed heads displayed on poles in Washington D.C., or
their respective state capitals, as a promise of justice
to all future generations.

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