FS: Tubes at reduced prices

Brian Carling af4k at EARTHLINK.NET
Wed Aug 11 17:37:06 EDT 1999

Tubes For Sale - special reduced prices!


Type / Qty / Price Each

12AT6   $3.00    (4)

12AT7/ECC81 - $6.00  (10)

12AU7 - $5.00    (10)
12AU7 Mullard - $10.00 (2)

12AV6    $4.00    (4)

12AV7 - $5.00    (12)

12AX7A / ECC83 Amperex - $8.00  (1 only)

12AY7 - $6.00    (1)

12AZ7A -  $5.00    (1)

12BA7 - $6.00    (1)

12X4  -  $3.00    (1)
= = = = =

USED tested tubes

12AT7 Used, in boxes $3.00     (4)
12AT7 Bugle Boy in white box $7.50    (1)

12AU7 Used, in boxes $3.00    (2)

12BH7 Used, in box $3.00    (1)

12CR6 - Used, in Box  $2.00    (1)
= = = = =

Shipping additional

E-mail to buy any of these

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