6400vct 500mA ccs plate xmfr FS

Lane Zeitler zeitler at IBM.NET
Fri Aug 20 11:29:47 EDT 1999

School starts up again for me this monday. Most of my books are paid for but
still have a few things I need such as a lab coat and other small items. For
those of you who don't already know I am doing a midlife career change at
the age of 32 and am studying for my RN at one of the local universities.
Still on active duty with the Navy. I'll owe them 4 years payback after
graduation which will take me to 20 years service. Been an electronics tech
since I was 15 though and it is THE hobby of choice, or at least anything to
do with the older style of trons. love the smell of solder melting and love
how the room smells after the heaters have been on for a few hours.

Anyway sorry for the tangent.

For sale:

A mil-spec plate xmfr. Not sure what it was used for but it must have been a
high output power son of a gun. Secondary is 6400vct at 500mA ccs.

Dimensions are 11" deep by 9" wide by 10" tall. Weight is 105 pounds. This
is the ONLY xmfr I have ever used that actually outperforms my Peter Dahl
plate xmfrs. With a pair of 3-500Zs at 1500 watts out on 20 meters the plate
voltage when using this xmfr in a full wave dc choke supply only dropped 250
volts from no load to full load. Primary is 120/240.

Price is $125 plus shipping which will not be cheap.

Also have an older Henry 2K dc filter choke. Resonates with a triplet of
7500vdc caps (don't remember the values). Sold as a set because they are
designed to work as a set. Sell the choke package with resonanating caps for
$75 plus shipping.. Choke should be good for 3 or 4kv continuous service at
500mA ccs. Designed for a pair of 3-500Zs.

If you want the xmfr and the choke package I will sell both for $150 plus
shipping. Shipping weight will be around 110 pounds for the xmfr after it is
double boxed and the choke and caps are probably around 45 pounds or so.

My zip is 92139 in San Diego. Please include ur zip when replying so we can
get the shipping costs down to within a buck or two.


San Diego

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