Help: Need Eldico info

Meir Ben-Dror 'WF2U' mbendror at VILLAGENET.COM
Thu Dec 16 15:36:37 EST 1999

I knew Don Merten in the early 80's when I worked as an RF design engineer at
Communication Associates, Inc. in Huntington, NY. He was the owner/CEO of the
company. My boss was Gerald Harrison W2ZGA, VP of Engineering. Gerry worked for
Don at Eldico also  and he designed some of the Eldico equipment.

Don, K2AAA became a Silent Key about 2 years ago. He lived in Florida.

73, Meir WF2U

Quoting George Maier <gmaier at ULTRANET.COM>:

> I'm trying to find people that used to work at Eldico, or know someone
> that did.  I'm working on a writing project involving that company, and
> would like to interview as many ex employees as I can find.  Of
> particular interest is anyone that knew Don Merten, K2AAA, the company
> founder.
> Thanks for the read
> George Maier - K1GXT

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