Maritime Morse

Jeffrey Herman (WH6U) jeffreyh at HAWAII.EDU
Tue Feb 2 15:15:11 EST 1999

ABC News had a nice segment last night regarding the end of maritime
use of code. Showed some nice shots of ROs aboard ships and
at shore stations. One of the ROs, remarking on the fraternity
among maritime radiomen, mentioned how something as simple as
a "dit dit" at the end of a conversation could convey much meaning
("Fair well" "See you" "Fair seas"). After more talk about the history
of Morse on the high seas, the news segment ended with the simple:

                            "dit dit"

Boy, that choked me up...

73 to all radiomen who've "Gone down to the sea..."

Jeff WH6U (former Coast Guard brass-pounder at NMO and NMC6)

. .

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