4 Sale Hallicrafter SX-88, and R-46B

Robert Nickels ranickel at MWCI.NET
Thu Feb 18 21:38:17 EST 1999

>I know of a few that have changed
>hands for considerably more than Chuck's "high" price, and none that
>have sold for less than his "low" price.

While the SX-88 remains the holy grail of BAs for many, I think it's a good
idea to separate the hype from the actual facts.   If you examine the
circuitry and features of the SX-88, you'll quickly see that it's a pretty
typical Hallicrafters two-dial receiver, with different cosmetics and a
unique twist or two.   From a performance standpoint, it's a good receiver,
but no better than many in it's peer group.

As to price, an SX-88 was sold at a Chicago-area hamfest last year for $150.
The seller was a well-known tube peddler who didn't know what he had, and of
course some lucky fella went home happy!   (The tube merchant had a pretty
bad attitude after a gazillion passers-by who spotted it under his table had
shared their opinion of its "true value" with him ;-)

A few years earlier that lucky fell was me.   My SX-88 is a prototype, with
some circuit differences and hand-scribe marks visible on the chassis.   And
you'd all hate me if I told you what I paid, suffice it to say it was far
less than Dachis' low end.

So - they're out there, but of course luck is the key factor in finding a
real deal on one, but at least luck is far more admirable than ripping off a
widow or raiding your 401K just to own one.

73, Bob W9RAN
PS:  The -88 listed by a deale on eBay in late Jan with an $1800 minimum bid
went un-bid-upon.  So, there is some justice in the world!

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