4 Sale Hallicrafter SX-88, and R-46B

Kenneth D. Grimm, K4XL grimm at LYNCHBURG.NET
Thu Feb 18 17:51:22 EST 1999

Perry Ballinger wrote:
> At 06:49 AM 2/18/99 -0500, you wrote:
> >While the SX-88 is not much of a radio, it is one of
> >the most highly prized models among Hallicrafters collectors.
> >--
> >Ken K4XL
> ...Compared to what?

Since we are both admirers of the SX-88, I'm not sure whether you really
were asking for an answer.  However, I was referencing the SX-88 to
modern receiver design which wasn't the technology available at the time
the 88 was produced.  In its day, I have no doubt that it was a good or
even excellent receiver.  If I were buying a receiver today, for
everyday use, I believe the $1500 might be better spent on a modern
design receiver than on an SX-88.  My comments about its value were
based on its collectability.  I'm not willing to discount selectable
sideband, mechanical filters, digital signal processing, etc. when I am
considering my daily driver. :-)  Especially when attempting to deal
with the multitude of lids QRMing E44DX!  All that having been said, I
would still love to own an 88 and I shamelessly envy those who do.

To turn this back to Jose, who started this thread, I would say that I
would rather spend $1500 on an SX88 than on any of the other similarly
priced boatanchors such as the 75S-3C.  Well, if I were to be perfectly
honest, I would love to have one of each. :-)

Ken K4XL
grimm at lynchburg.net
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