SP-600 Cabinet needed

Tom Norris badger at TELALINK.NET
Sun Jan 3 13:16:51 EST 1999

A week or so ago, I had mentioned I was looking for a cabinet
for my Hammarlund Super Pro. Someone replied and said that
they had one that was deep enough for a SP-600 and tall enough
to put a rackmount speaker. I have lost the email, I have looked
everywhere I might have put it and it is gone.... :-(

So, I ask the same question again. Anyone out there with a
cabinet for the SP-600? It is much deeper than a R-390, so
most "normal" cabinets will not work. Am looking for something
desktop size. Used would be preferred as I really can't afford
something new costing twice what the receiver is worth. :-)

Thanks and 73

Tom Norris
KA4RKT Nashville, TN
badger at telalink.net

Yep, posted to the R-390 list as well, cuz there have been
cabinet discussions in the past there.

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