RD Instruments Model 1575 Tube Tester??

Tom Norris badger at TELALINK.NET
Sun Jan 3 14:19:16 EST 1999

I posted this earlier this week, but no replies.
After looking around, turns out the RD Instruments 1575
is the same as a Hickock 539. At least physically the front
panel looks very similar to the 539 or the 700. Had not even
heard of RD Instruments until I saw this tester. Even says
Hickock on the lable, under RD instruments. Maybe a 539
that will do a little more? It is in a metal case rather than the
black covered wood case a 539 or 700 has.

Is this unit another "Tom has the only one in existance and no one
else has ever heard of them" thing like that Mars Electronics
SSB RX convertor? heehee.

>( my preivious post )
>Nifty tester, almost as large as a TV-2, with a seperate line voltage meter
>and an adjustable bias meter that doubles as a current meter for testing
>VR tubes. Roll chart on bottom. Half the weight of a TV-2!!!

Thanks all


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