** European Boatanchors Swap List **

Fri Jan 8 05:34:21 EST 1999


I would like to invite you to join a new e-mail group (eGroup), called
"European Boatanchors Swap List" (EuroBA Swap for short). This group, as
the name says, is mainly oriented to European people but, of course,
everybody can join it. If you are not interested, please, forgive me for
the bandwidth.

This group is focused to european Boatanchors users who want to buy, sell
or swap them (or related material as manuals, parts, ...) inside Europe
limits, mainly to save on shipping costs (you know, BA items are not
lightweight!). Of course, general messages about Boatanchors would be also
fine, but it is not the purpose of the group, as these are not limited to
European users.

This group could be also useful to help arranging shippings or locally
examine items for other members (virtual eyes ;-)! ). Let's give the
fraternity a chance :-)!. I should say here that I have received great
support from people already in the EuroBA Swap List. Thanks!

You can join this List by sending a blank e-mail message to:

euro_ba_swap-subscribe at egroups.com

And you can also visit the EuroBA Swap List home at:


Please, if you have any question or comment, e-mail me directly.


Best regards.


PS: I apologize if you have received this message multiple times. I have
sent it to different Boatanchor related lists I am subscribed, to reach the
maximum number of possibly interested people. Thanks for understanding!

  73 EB5AGV / EC5AAU
     Ausias March 46, 15
     46910 Benetusser - VALENCIA

** VISIT MY VINTAGE RADIO SITE - updated 3-January-1999 ***
  e-mail: eb5agv at ctv.es & eb5agv at amsat.org

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