Johnson Ranger VFO Instability

Bill Evans bevans at EBSYS.MB.CA
Wed Jan 13 00:48:12 EST 1999

My restored Ranger exhibits substantial VFO instability on the higher bands
when I key it for cw operation.  Key down, the rig rises steadily in
frequency about 500 Hz, then will come back down - only to rise up again.

I moved the screen regulator series resistor outside of the VFO enclosure,
increased it from a 2 Watt rated unit to 10 Watts, and use an exhaust fan
over the PA in an effort to stabilize the temperature; all to no avail.

I have heard that use of the militarized version of the 6AU6WA  --  a
136  --  will provide greatly improved VFO stability.  Where would I obtain
one of these tubes?

Does anyone have any other suggestions regarding my problem?  I really do
want to use this lovely rig on cw, but no way in its present condition.
Help please!

Bill Evans, VE4UD
313 Carpathia Road
WINNIPEG, Manitoba, Canada
R3N 1T2
PH:   (204) 489-7434
FAX:  (204) 487-7199
E-MAIL: bevans at

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