Homebrew HBR-16 by Ted Crosby W6TC
Mike Silva
mjsilva at JPS.NET
Thu Jan 14 23:18:03 EST 1999
In high school I would dream about the version in the 1967 Radio
Handbook -- it was *impressive*! I finally went down to Zack
Electronics in S.F. and ordered the IF transformers, BFO coil and one or
two other coils, but then came driving and girls and an HW-101...
Anyway, the box containing all those goodies turned up last year, and
after thinking about whether I wanted to try it agin I decided to try a
single conversion crystal filter receiver instead, and luckily for all
around a fellow turned up on the net looking for those transformers and
coils to build *his* HBR. The end result was a nice swap and the likely
birth of another HBR, even if it won't be mine.
Mike, KK6GM
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