Summary of preferred BA rcvrs for AM bdcst

Lane Zeitler zeitler at IBM.NET
Wed Jan 20 00:14:01 EST 1999

It has been around two weeks or so since my original request for what would
be a good, quality BA rcvr to listen to AM shortwave and local AM broadcast
stations. The ability to casually copy CW/SSB was a requirement in the

While not a "formal" survey here is what those of you who took the time to
respond considered. Choices are listed in descending order from most votes
to least:

1. SX-28/28A. Man, this rcvr must really sound SUPER!! Nine of you said it
was THE rcvr to go with while still maintaining a decent budget. There is
one fella who appears to be quite an authority on the rcvr and was very
helpful. 9 votes in favor of this one.

2. SX-62/62A. 6 votes. Not much in depth response but overall good vibes. FM
capability was a plus. Also it was used in Air Force One during JFK's

3. NC-183D. 5 votes. Close third place to the SX-62/62A.

4. SX-100. 4 votes in favor but also 4 people said it was not that great of
an AM rcvr. Three said it was FAR SUPERIOR to the SX-99.

5. SX-88. Most said it was over priced and NOT worth the "market value". 3
voted it top dog.

Also with 3 votes was the SP-200.

6. 2 votes each for these rigs:
   - SX-42
   - SP-400
    - R-390 (non- A version)
    - NC-173

7. One vote each for these rigs:

    SX-99 (many neg. comments about this rcvr)

While some of you might not agree with the votes I remind you again that
this was very informal. Now where can I find that SX-28A?

Thanks to all who responded.

Lane Zeitler
San Diego

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